Vernissage at the Monastery in Ystad
Welcome to the opening at 12.00 – 16.00.
On June 3, we open the doors to three new exhibitions; "The walls speak - The history of a monastery", "The forgotten bronze treasure" and "Photographer Axel Carlborn - Ystad pictures from the first half of the 20th century".
At 12.00 We open the gates.
At 12.30 Welcome speech.
At 12.45 Andreas Nilsson from Sydsvensk Arkeologi talks about bronze and why this particular collection is so unique.
At 13.30 Screening in the exhibition The walls speak - The history of a monastery.
At 14.30 Short presentation of the monastery's history.
During the day, we have a representative from each exhibition to whom you can ask questions.
Warm welcome!
fredag 2 juni
The monastery in Ystad
tel: 0411-57 72 86
The monastery in Ystad
St. Petri Church Plan
27134 Ystad
Opening hours
At 12.00 - 16.00. Free entrance!