Weapons theme at Glimmingehus
Jens Holgersen's huge castle from the late Middle Ages is the perfect location for this exciting & popular theme!
During two days you can experience everything from armor testing, archery and knight school for sense and etiquette. For the little ones, we have the perfect practice of jousting skills. Plus medieval games and games!
The moments we bring to life have occurred during the time when the infamous knight, pirate & sheriff held the place with his family, and the castle's shooting loft teemed with armed journeymen on guard.
Note! Our theme shows at 11.15 and 14.15 are canceled when we have themed days.
från tisdag 25 juni
till onsdag 26 juni
Glimminge house
tel: 072-7026065
Epost: mats.larsson@raa.se
Glimminge house
Borgvägen 6
27656 Hammenhög
Opening hours
At 11-16.