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TrettonJazz, Kiviks Hotell, Trettonafton

A festive 2-course menu is served at 18.00. The music starts at 19:30
Price: 2-course menu and admission SEK 749/person
Special price for an overnight stay from SEK 700/person including breakfast!
This evening our regular packages are issued.
The music

Blue Quartet, with its wide musical range, has made itself known and popular in everything from jazz clubs and restaurant entertainment to private parties and the like. The band consists of experienced musicians and entertainers. The group's repertoire spans a wide range from timeless evergreens to swinging and danceable jazz.


lördag 4 januari



Kiviks Hotell Konferens och Spa
tel: 041470075

Kiviks Hotell Konferens och Spa
27739 Kivik

Opening hours

Söndagen den 5/1, Trettonafton
2-rätters meny kl 18.00. Musiken börjar kl 19.30

The event has been
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