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Textile exhibition at Bengtemölla

Woven portraits Magnus Åkesson
Woven products Inga Lundquist, Barbro R Olsson and others.
Scanian wool embroidery Annika Nilsson and others.
Textile recycling Pimpinella, Tatiana Hansson Henne
Embroidery Glädjestygnen, Embroidery Academy, Kristianstad
Doll cabinets Britt-Marie Weibull, Inga-Ull Högberg
Dolls Charlotte Weibull

Coffee service
Sale of products from Sankt Olof's weaving house
Very welcome!

The association Flink hands
St. Olof's weaving cottage

In collaboration with Sparbanken Syd.

Directions to Bengtemölla farm:
Turn onto the road opposite ICA in Brösarp, follow Bengtemöllavägen,
after the bridge turn right to designated parking


från fredag 1 november
till lördag 23 november



The association Flink hands
tel: 070-204 55 20

Bengtemölla Gård
27350 Brösarp

Opening hours

November 2-3
November 9-10
November 16-17
November 23-24
Saturday - Sunday at 12 - 16.00

The event has been
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