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Theme at Glimmingehus: Medieval printers

Write letters with a fountain pen that folds and seals with wax, make a book owner tag that shows who you are, and make a miniature heart-shaped book!

You can also come along to a special printer demonstration in the castle! The shows take place at 1pm & 3pm, starting in front of the castle. The theme runs between 12-4pm and is included in regular admission, SEK 90 for adults, 0-17 years free. Welcome!

Note! Our theme shows at 11.15 and 14.15 are canceled when we have themed days.

Photo: Wikipedia, Public Domain.


från tisdag 6 augusti
till onsdag 7 augusti



Glimminge house
tel: 072-7026065

Glimminge house
Borgvägen 6
276 56 Hammenhög

Opening hours

At 11-16.

The event has been
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