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Molière's Tartuffe, a polished swindler, sneaks into a wealthy family using his rhetorical skills. A crisis arises in the family and the drama unfolds. A classic in modern vintage with high artistic quality. This year it will be the lustful Molière who takes his place on stage and offers both seriousness and laughter.

Rynge Teater is "the theater against all odds". A café theater located out in the Scanian countryside, but not in Österlen, where it teems with galleries, music venues and other cultural institutions. No, Rynge Theater is located west of Ystad in small and inaccessible Rynge. No buses come here, the train roars past at 160 km/h, literally at arm's length from the theater. But here we take theater art seriously, against all odds.

Christer Jonsson's unique "play against the screen technique" interprets the great classics in a modern version with high dramaturgical quality, because the classics highlight human nature and even today the modern social problems.

Rynge Theater applies income-related prices. You choose your own price category according to income, where you can adjust choices according to your wealth or life situation.



från tisdag 25 juli
till fredag 28 juli



Rynge Theatre
tel: +46709615616

Rynge Theatre
Ryngevägen 316
27194 Ystad

Opening hours

Wednesday - Friday: 18:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 17:30 - 19:00

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