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Genealogy Day

11:00–13:00 Genealogy Help Desk: For those who are stuck or want to start researching their family history.
11:00–13:00 "Speed Genealogy": Quick search through a few generations to understand what’s possible and gain an initial insight into your family tree.
13:00 "Immigrated, Deported, and Immigrated Again": A lecture by Ingeborg Albrecht Svensson from Ystad – about a man who, during his journeyman travels, arrives in Sweden in 1930.

• Sale of: DNA kits & the book From DNA to Family Tree and Death Record Book No. 9
• The library will showcase books, journals, and databases for genealogy research.

No registration required.
In collaboration with Ystadbygdens Genealogy and Local History Research Association.


fredag 17 januari



Ystads bibliotek
tel: 0411-57 72 90

Ystads stadsbibliotek
Surbrunnsvägen 12
271 39 Ystad

Opening hours

At 11:00-14:00

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