Sanna Ekman exhibition at Hylkegården
On November 2, we welcome Sanna Ekman to our straw loft...
Sanna is best known as an actor, but is also a director and artist.
She has been an active artist since 1999.
Over the years, Sanna has turned inside out on everything between heaven and earth in her artistry.
Painted on driftwood, stones, twisted, woven. Also leatherwork and metalwork and found that you can make art out of most things.
Already as a teenager, Sanna devoted herself to crocs and also started to paint in oils at a young age.
At 30, she also found the glass. Leaded glass.
When Sanna later continued with painting, it was in watercolor that she once learned at the Waldorf School. There it is called wet in wet. It became like a declaration of love as it was difficult to tear the brush from her.
Now Sanna paints in a blissful mix between different materials and techniques. She still works with glass today when she has time between various acting and directorial assignments.
Sanna has curated Rånäs Castle's art exhibition in 2021 and 2022. You can also visit
her Gallery in the village of S:t Olof in Österlen during the annual art tour.
Ekman has worked with e.g. The gender-friendly movies.
Became known through his role in Whiskers and Peas. Acted in the hit series Tre Kronor and
New Times and is current in the SVT series Tunna Blå Linjen.
från onsdag 1 november
till lördag 4 november
The Hylkegården
tel: 0709251805
The Hylkegården
high road 54
27292 Simrishamn
Opening hours
Open Thursday-Sunday 11-17