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Mental health - life's most important subject

Mental health - life's most important subject

The lecture wishes to provide a basic education in mental health. With an emphasis on understanding how mental health includes both mental well-being and ill-health, light and darkness. Thanks to the fact that our ancestors managed to find the best food and run from the hungriest lion, we have survived until today. A sensitivity for survival which, in today's modern society, paradoxically enough, sometimes sets us up for trouble.

We cannot control the world around us, but we can influence how we react to and act in it. It is from that point of view that Helena approaches this topic. "My ambition is to equip the individual and the fellow man. So that based on the personality we are, the relationships we have and the environments we live in, we should know the will and dare to do what we need when the situation calls for it", Helena.


The lecture is integrated with a workshop where we use the content in our own person, everyday life and business. The idea is to equip the participants with concrete tools. Hands-on in how we can protect our mental well-being but also deal with mental illness in both ourselves and those around us. Individual work is interspersed with group exercises.

We thank Sparbanken Syd stiftelse, which enables some of our projects and ideas


lördag 1 juni



Häst & Lantliv AB - HorseTec of Sweden
tel: +46707906867

Ystad Riding Club
Bredastensvägen 30
271 7 Köpingebro

Opening hours


There will be an opportunity to buy coffee before the event starts, as well as during the break before the workshop.
Thanks to Ystad Riding Club!

The event has been
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