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Podcast evenings at Rynge Teater

During five Sundays in July and early August, the theater's artistic director Christer Jonsson talks to various guests about culture, theater and performing arts. The conversations take place in front of an audience and are recorded to be broadcast as podcasts.

Guests: Gitte Pålsson, Lars Schilken and Thomas Lohmander. More guests are pending.

Rynge Theater applies income-related prices. You choose your own price category according to income, where you can adjust choices according to your wealth or life situation.



från lördag 8 juli
till lördag 5 augusti



Rynge Theatre
tel: +46709615616

Rynge Theatre
Ryngevägen 316
27194 Ystad

Opening hours

Sunday: 18:30 - 21:00

The event has been
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