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Påskutställning - MajBritt Pehrsson, olja

It's nature that gives me energy and strength. I then filter my experiences or the ideas that arise in nature and translate them into color and form to clarify the emotional experiences I want to convey. It can be the seemingly simplest things, like a burdock leaf or perhaps a crown of dill!


från torsdag 28 mars
till lördag 6 april



Galleri MajBritt Pehrsson
tel: 0739-963892

Galleri MajBritt Pehrsson
Cidervägen 1, Baskemölla
27294 Simrishamn

Opening hours

Every day during Easter from 10:00 to 18:00
April 2nd to 5th by appointment
April 6th to 7th from 10:00 to 15:00

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