Lena Alebo: Gardens in Simrishamn
Cultural historian Lena Alebo gives us insights into 200 years of garden history in Simrishamn. From the 18th century we find the first evidence of horticulture in the city. A hundred years later, the merchants arranged their large gardens behind the yards along Storgatan. The parks were cherished around the turn of the last century. In the middle of the 1930s, a new garden trend appeared with inspiration in Arts & Crafts. Is Simrishamn still a garden town today?
The Fastlagsbulle lecture is arranged by Österlen's museum in collaboration with the Association for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments and Homeland in South-Eastern Scania. After the talk, coffee and fixed-team buns are served. Price: SEK 150 (Fornminnesföreningens members SEK 130) including coffee and fixed bun.
Read more about all four lectures on the museum's website: https://www.simrishamn.se/kultur-och-fritid/osterlens-museum/program-pa-osterlens-museum