We are taking a bus trip north, departing at 09:00 from Hamntorget, to explore the traces of old monasteries with knowledgeable guides. Lars Jönsson will show us the monastery remains in Östra Tommarp, and also the school museum. Genealogist and Väbo Tor Flensmarck will tell us about Vä, which once had a monastery. Finally, we will reach Åhus, where archaeologist Claes Pettersson will show us the remains of the Dominican convent in Åhus. There will be a meal and coffee break somewhere along the way. Estimated return time is 17:30.
Pre-booking can be made by contacting Klostret at 0411-577286 or info@ystadskulturhistoriska.se, with payment to the association's bank giro 890-2868 by April 7th. The fee is 800 SEK, or 700 SEK for members of YF – Ystad's Cultural Historical Association.

fredag 11 april
YF - Ystads kulturhistoriska förening
tel: 0709-457908
Epost: info@ystadskulturhistoriska.se
Departure from Hamntorget in Ystad at 09:00.
271 39 Ystad
Opening hours
Saturday at 09:00.