Exhibition opening!
The dancer Vaslav Nijinsky - The modern innovator of the art of ballet.
At Ystad's City Library there is Ryttmästare John Andrén's book collection with books by and about Oscar Wilde, Aubrey Beardsley, T.E. Lawrence and Vaslav Nijinsky.
From 3 May to 8 July, Ryttmästare John Andrén's foundation pays attention to Vaslav Nijinsky through an exhibition in the Andrén Room at the City Library.
The exhibition contains items on loan from the Dance Museum in Stockholm as well as the special collection's books on Nijinsky. There will also be an opportunity to see a shorter film sequence from the ballet Våroffer.
*The exhibition will be opened on Wednesday 3 May at 18.00 with the chairman of the board, who is also Ystad's municipal director, Randi Graungaard.
*Mingling and time to see the exhibition.
*At 7 p.m., librarian Peter Bohlin from the Carina Ari Stiftelserna lectures about the legendary ballet dancer.

tisdag 2 maj
Ystad City Library
tel: 0709477291
Epost: tellervo.salomonsson@ystad.se
Ystad City Library
Surbrunnsvägen 12
27139 Ystad
Opening hours
At 18:00 - 20:30