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Autumn holidays at Glimmingehus

Glimmingehus certainly has some guests lurking here and there in the old rooms. But now we live help to spread mystery in Jens Holgersen's dark knight's castle! Namely, the theme is ghosts and other creepiness... In our essence workshop you can make your own unconnected figure based on various natural materials.

Daily schedule:
At 11.00 & 13.00: Ghost walk for children - Join our guides on a ghost hunt in Glimmingehus! Rec. age 7 years, must be booked in advance.

At 12 & 2 pm: Bond viewing for everyone - drop in.

At 14.00 - 16.00: Väsenverkstad in the roaster's house.

Regular admission, children under 18 free.



från torsdag 31 oktober
till lördag 2 november



The National Antiquities Office
tel: 0727026065

Glimminge house
Borgvägen 6
276 56 Hammenhög

Opening hours

At 10-16.

The event has been
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