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Free movie screening - The King of Atlantis

Studieförbundet Vuksenskolan shows, in collaboration with Sparbanken Skåne and Kiviks Bio, a film based on Simon's experiences of growing up and acting as a parent to his schizophrenic father. Here, a difficult subject is tackled with humor, warmth and love.

After we have seen the film, Simon Settergren, who is an actor, producer and screenwriter of the film, and Maria Samuelsson, peer supporter in Adult Psychiatry, talk.

They have dialogue around "When Simon was the Prince of Atlantis" - about how growing up with his father has affected him. About Simon's journey to be free from the shame that is so often associated with mental illness and to see that he has a father with a heart of gold.

We start with mingling.

The event is free and has a limited number of places. Registration is required.


måndag 2 oktober



The Adult School Study Association
tel: 0733-930662

Kivik's Cinema
Ordensgatan 5
277 30 Kivik

Opening hours


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