Pilot weekend at Glimmingehus
We are inspired by both history and nature, and make fine and colorful pennants, paper birds and windsocks. In the castle, you can also take part in a clever aviation history quiz!
Flying kites did not arrive in Europe until after the Middle Ages, but a similar device, known as a windsock, was well known. These could be used in war, among other things to release a source of fire on a city. The windsocks could be hideously designed for the purpose of intimidation.
Banners could be used both as identification in war, and for church processions. A unique variant of the latter type is preserved from Hemmesjö church in Småland, and was found, according to legend, by folklorist Mandelgren, knuckled and thrown on the church hill in pieces.

från onsdag 8 maj
till lördag 11 maj
Glimminge house
tel: 072 – 7026065
Epost: mats.larsson@raa.se
Glimminge house
Borgvägen 6
276 56 Hammenhög
Opening hours
At 11-16