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Vaslav Nijinsky in meta-format early 20th century, a parade ground in Paris. Leaning over his desk and his pen in a convulsive grip, he lets his anxiety flow over the pages. The words are permeated by the dangers of the First World War, sexual obsessions and the fear of losing one's job. The scattered letters belong to him, Vaslav Nijinsky - God's Dancer.

In Sidney Leoni's performance FLY, we meet the legendary dance choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky. We follow his career with Russian ballet, his family relationships and his diligent diary writing. Broken texts that bear witness to an incipient psychosis, which in the near future will turn into schizophrenia.

In a combination of film and dance, a historical epic is woven together that takes us on a journey through time and space. Here, fact merges with fantasy, and artists—both living and dead—come together to remind humanity of what it needs most of all: Love.

Quote from Nijinsky's diary
\"I am feeling in the flesh and not intellect in the flesh. I am the flesh. I am feeling. I am God in the
flesh and in feeling. I am man and not God. I am simple. People must not think me. They must feel
me and understand me through feeling.\"
\"My madness is my love towards mankind.\"
\"Now I will dance you the war.... The war which you did not prevent and so you are also
responsible for.\"

Concept, direction, choreography, cast for live performance: Sidney Leoni


onsdag 24 maj



Ystad's theatre
tel: 0411-57 77 98

Ystad's theatre
Sjömansgatan 13
27143 Ystad

Opening hours

At 19:00

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