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Family screening at Ystad's art museum!

Friday 3 November at 12:30 - 1:10 p.m. art educator Madelene Oldeman shows the exhibition "The Road". After the screening, everyone is welcome to create on their own in the Stora atelier. With inspiration from his upbringing, Richard Johansson creates images that become stories without words where everything is possible. Suitable for all ages!

All children who participate receive the book "Vad mitt öga ser" which Richard Johansson has made for Best Festival.

During the Best Festival 21 Oct - 5 Nov, all children can take two adults with them for free to Ystad's art museum. Regular entrance fee is SEK 50 for adults, free entry for anyone 19 or younger.

Free entrance to Stora atelier.
Free entry to the art museum's exhibitions on Fridays October-March


torsdag 2 november



Ystad municipality
tel: +46411577284

Ystad's art museum
Saint Knut's Square
27142 Ystad

Opening hours

Ystad's art museum
3 November at 12.30 -13.10

The event has been
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