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Författarbesök: Olle Lönnaeus

After eight crime novels and thrillers, author and journalist Olle Lönnaeus returns to Tomelilla with a novel about a mythomaniac. Dick Svenzons Honest Green Eyes is about a man who has lied his way through life until, at the age of 63, he is forced to face himself: Who am I? The book is filled with humor and tall tales from both the past and present. But it also contains a substantial dose of suspense—and a more serious thread about truth and lies. And just like the character Dick, Olle Lönnaeus grew up in Tomelilla.


Photo: Martin Magntorn


måndag 3 februari



Tomelilla bibliotek
tel: 0417-181 90

Tomelilla bibliotek
Centralgatan 13
273 30 Tomelilla

Opening hours

Tuesday, February 4th at 18:00.

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