Lecture: Knäbäck in times of crisis
THE EVENT IS FULLY BOOKED. During the 1940s and 50s, the area that today constitutes the Ravlunda shooting range was at the center of news coverage and protests. The climax was reached in 1956 when the state believed that the shooting range needed to be expanded. The Knäbäck fishing village was emptied of its last inhabitants and the houses were demolished or moved. Today there are protests again regarding the Ravlunda shooting range. According to a so-called defense cooperation agreement (DCA), the Ravlunda firing range must open up to an American presence.
Cultural historian Lena Alebo takes a historical look back at the geographical area and takes a closer look at what the protests looked like at the time and who was at the forefront of them. Are the same questions being discussed now as then and what would have happened if the area had not become a shooting range?
In collaboration with the Association for Ancient Heritage and Homeland Conservation in South-Eastern Scania. After the lecture, coffee and apple cake are served. Price: SEK 150, member SEK 120. Ticket purchase: simrishamn.se/museum

fredag 4 oktober
Österlen's museum
tel: 0414819670
Epost: osterlens.museum@simrishamn.se
Österlen's museum
Storgatan 24
27280 Simrishamn
Opening hours
Saturday 5/10 at 13-14.30