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Ett handskriftsmanus från 1800-talet

Genealogist Nils-Henrik Salomonsson and Anita Svensson, who co-authored the book "Lars Jesper Benzelstierna - My Eventful Life," will explain how to interpret and assess the text in an old manuscript. This book tells the story of a young man's experiences at sea, in the French Foreign Legion in Algeria, and as Sweden's first photographer.

Fee: 100 SEK, members of YF – Ystad’s Cultural History Association 50 SEK.
Registration via the link on our website or call the Monastery during opening hours at 0411-577286.


tisdag 4 mars



YF - Ystads kulturhistoriska förening
tel: 0709-457908

Klostret i Ystad
S:t Petri kyrkoplan
271 34 Ystad

Opening hours

Wednesday at 19:00.

The event has been
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