E.S.T. 30
E.S.T. 30 is a tribute to one of Sweden's most influential jazz ensembles of all time, Esbjörn Svensson Trio (E.S.T.). Last year marked thirty years since the trio was founded by pianist and composer Esbjörn Svensson (1964–2008), drummer Magnus Öström, and bassist Dan Berglund. They were innovative, free, and personal in their music creation, incorporating elements from classical music, rock, pop, and techno into jazz. Over their fifteen years together, E.S.T. became a crucial component of European jazz and achieved worldwide fame. The group disbanded in 2008 following the tragic death of Esbjörn Svensson, but their music has never ceased, and interest in E.S.T. remains strong.
Magnus Öström on drums, Dan Berglund on bass, Fredrik Ljungkvist on saxophone, Verneri Pohjola (FI) on trumpet, Ulf Wakenius on guitar, and Joel Lyssarides on piano. What a concert this will be!

torsdag 1 augusti
Ystad Jazz
tel: +46705809915
Epost: itta@ystadjazz.se
Ystads Teater
Sjömansgatan 13
271 43 Ystad
Opening hours
Friday, August 2, 16:00 at Ystads Teater
Tickets: ystadjazz.se