The Little Mermaid The Musical
With all-new and freshly written music, imaginative costumes, exciting characters, and a captivating set design, Dröse & Norberg once again offer the audience an experience beyond the ordinary. "The Little Mermaid – The Musical" takes place in modern times, and the audience will encounter both the classic characters and some new, slightly wacky types.
Here you'll find the Mermaid’s father, the sea king Moryn, her singing and dancing sisters, as well as the sea witch Svetlana and her accomplices Blob & Blob. Last but not least, there’s the dashing and somewhat eccentric human fellow Olauv, who captures the heart of the Little Mermaid. Don’t miss the chance to experience this enchanting adventure both above and below the sea!
"The Little Mermaid" takes the stage with a talented 22-member ensemble, including Kiana Blanckert in the leading role as the Little Mermaid, and Gabriel Fontana as one of the Mermaid’s sisters, Fiona. Anna Norberg plays the witchy Kamtjatka crab Svetlana, and Joakim Nätterqvist stars as the sea king Moryn.
"Den Lilla Sjöjungfrun" intar scenen med en talangfull 22-mannaensemble
där ni bl.a. ser Kiana Blanckert i huvudrollen som Den Lilla Sjöjungfrun
och Gabriel Fontana i rollen som en av sjöjungfruns systrar Fiona.
Anna Norberg gör den häxiga Kamtjatka krabban Svetlana
och Joakim Nätterqvist rollen som havskungen Moryn.

fredag 29 november
Dröse Norberg
tel: 0760356690
Ysatd Arena
Fridhemsgatan 27
27139 Ystad
Opening hours
Lördagen Den 30 november kl 16
Föreställningens längd: 2 timmar och 15 minuter (inkl. 25 min paus)
Rekommenderad ålder: 3–100 år