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Bruno Knutman - memorial exhibition

Bruno Knutman (1930 - 2017) belongs to the exclusive small group of artists who have been called the Artists' Artist. Better known among colleagues than by the general public. The last time we got to see him was at a large exhibition at Lund's Art Gallery in 2010, with the title Here stands the wolf at the door. The title was taken from one of Knutman's own paintings, where the artist himself as a young boy in breeches stands in a square together with a woman in a hat, a cat, the moon, a ghost and a wolf. A kind of rebus with different components, typical of Knutman's visual world.
Even earlier, in 1993, Ystad's Art Museum showed an exhibition of Knutman's paintings in gouache as well as collages and ink drawings. And now the turn has come to Vargåkra Gård, which during the summer shows a memorial exhibition with Bruno Knutman's paintings and ink drawings. Images that inspired many of today's younger artists such as Jockum Nordström, Karin Mamma Andersson and Rita Lundqvist.

Caption: "In the time of the wolf", 2010-2016. Oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm.


från lördag 22 juni
till lördag 17 augusti



Vargåkra Gård
tel: 0733-664875

Vargåkra Gård, Art Hall & Gallery
Vallbyvägen 89
27656 Hammenhög

Opening hours

Friday-Sunday 12-4pm
Or by agreement.

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