Archeology day at Glimmingehus
On this day, we offer a total of two lectures with a connection to our dear city! First up is Sara Williamsson, PhD student in historical archaeology. At 1 p.m. she gives the lecture Party, birds or defense - new building archaeological findings about Glimmingehus.
Afterwards, Martin Hansson, lecturer in the same subject, gives the lecture: The architecture of power on land and at sea. About Glimmingehus and late medieval warships. Martin is part of the exciting project that compares the Danish flagship Gribshunden, which sank in 1495 outside Ronneby, with Jens Holgersen's huge stone building from a power perspective.

lördag 24 augusti
Glimminge house
tel: +46727026065
Glimminge house
Borgvägen 6
27656 Hammenhög
Opening hours
At 13-15.