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Aqua training at Kiviks Hotel NEKAD

The aqua training at Kiviks Hotel is a modern form of water gymnastics and borrows elements from various forms of training such as strength training, pilates, kundalini and yin yoga. The session always begins and ends with flex/stretching and conscious breathing. The music is carefully selected to suit the training sessions. Creative Carina Nibér, who keeps the sessions, has experience from several different water sports and forms of training. She has previously led Aqua training in Bali.

Aqua Strength: Start 28/10. Mondays 17.15 and 18.30
Aqua Flex: Start 1/11. Fridays 9.15 and 10.45

Price: SEK 1137, 7 times

Aqua Styrka is an intense and fun-filled water workout for adults who are used to exercise. The pass includes aerobic training, tabata with water boxing and strength training with water equipment. From 18 years and up. We train to 60s, 70s, 80s hits and finish with yoga music.

Aqua Flex is a pleasure-filled water workout at a calm and meditative pace. Here the focus is on flexibility, balance and mobility. We practice playful exercises such as the Swan, the Seahorse and the Dolphin as well as light strength exercises and circuit training. Mainly suitable for 65+ but is open to anyone over 14. We practice at a calm pace to yoga music with harp and birds chirping.

Book at or 0414-700 75


från söndag 27 oktober
till torsdag 12 december



Kiviks Hotel Conference and Spa
tel: 041470075

Kiviks Hotel Conference and Spa
277 30 Kivik

Opening hours

Aqua Strength: Start 28/10. Mondays 17.15 and 18.30
Aqua Flex: Start 1/11. Fridays 9.15 and 10.45

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