"DET är verkligheten..." (THAT is reality)
The exhibition "THAT is reality ..." is on display in the Large Studio at Ystad Art Museum. It is based on ideas, thoughts, and notions about what a landscape is, has been, and can be. Students from the Visual Arts and Design course, Year 2, at Ystad High School, together with art teacher Annika Magnusson and Ystad Art Museum's art educators Anna Norberg and Madelene Oldeman, as well as the museum's intern Amanda Martinez, have worked together to create and produce the exhibition during the spring term of 2024. The students' works and the exhibition's theme are in dialogue with Gränstrakt (Borderland), currently on display on the third floor of Ystad Art Museum.
The students have written the texts for their works themselves. Some have worked in groups, others individually. Techniques and materials vary, as do the artistic references. The exhibition brings together everything from naturalistic landscape paintings to conceptual explorations. As an extension of the exhibition, documentation of the students' works is also displayed at Ystad Library's branches in Glemmingebro, Löderup, Köpingebro, and Svarte, bringing the exhibit into the surrounding Skåne landscape.
There is no entrance fee to visit the Large Studio.
(Artwork by Olivia Strand Dahlberg in the image)

från onsdag 9 oktober
till lördag 12 oktober
Ystads konstmuseum
tel: 0411-577285
Epost: konstmuseet@ystad.se
Ystads konstmuseum
S:t Knuts Torg
27142 Ystad
Opening hours
Mon - Closed
Tue-Fri 12 -17
Sat-Sun 12 -16
Free admission to the Large Studio
Admission to the rest of the museum: 50 SEK
Free admission every Friday from October 4 to March 28
Children and young people under 20 – free admission