Wild bees at Tobisvik
There are about 300 species of bees in
Sweden, including about 40
bumblebees. Some are quite
large, others very small.
Many of them have very
special lifestyles – a
part wallpaper their children-
chambers with leaves, others
wall their nests, some can
live in seashells, and further
some parasitize on nests of
other bees.
We are visited today by the bee expert Göran
Holmström from Malmö, who takes us
along for a walk in the Tobisvik area.
Göran tells, among other things, about which bees like
which flowers, and what their life looks like. You can
get tips on how to make your garden more bee-friendly.
COLLECTION at the northernmost parking lot along Tobisvägen,
i.e. just northwest of the entrance to the campsite, at 10:00.
BRING a snack (preferably in a backpack); please use a magnifying glass and a rake if you have one.
CONTACT PERSON: Kristoffer, 073–3291741

lördag 6 juli
Österlen's Nature Conservation Society
tel: 070 - 787 32 32
Epost: osterlen@naturskyddsforeningen.se
Tobisvik, Simrishamn
27236 Simrishamn
Opening hours
Sunday, July 7 at 10.00.