Welcome to open ship!
In June, the research vessel R/V Electra af Askö visits Simrishamn, in connection with researchers from Lund and Stockholm universities conducting field studies in Hanö Bay.
On June 13, you have the opportunity to visit the ship and look at and try geological, biological and marine technical equipment up close. You also get the chance to talk to our researchers and get a closer insight into the projects that are run at the Marine Centre. If we're really lucky, we might meet an organism from the depths of Hanö Bay.
For more information, contact josefine.larsson@simrishamn.se.
No pre-registration is required.

måndag 12 juni
Lund University and Marine Centre
tel: 0414-819190
Epost: josefine.larsson@simrishamn.se
Bornholm Quay, Simrishamn Harbour
27231 Simrishamn
Opening hours
at 15.00-19.00