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The exhibition Observations from an "incompetent bog"

27 May- 25 June
Shows Åke Bergqvist the exhibition Views from an "unusable bog" with painting & sculpture.

Since 2014, my art has been about my wanderings and reflections in
Kronobergs Mosse.
The encounter with the moss was transformative for me. An inaccessible old pine bog
which on a map from 1725 was condemned as "Incompetent Mosse".
However, the view of the "useless" has changed and the moss has instead
became like "wealth".
Since 2018, the bog is part of a larger nature reserve.
To have a place of residence, a place, an environment that can be identified and that I am in
different ways can try to come to terms with turned out to be of greater importance than me
It doesn't have to be the big questions that engage, but the self-perceived
with the opportunities and limitations the environment offers
meaningful room for action.
So every meeting becomes significant. A way to also see myself or us
themselves in a larger context.



från fredag 26 maj
till lördag 24 juni



Gallery Blue
tel: 0760238778

Café & Gallery Blue
Malmövägen 99
27261 Gärsnäs

Opening hours

Open daily 12-17
(Midsummer Eve closed)

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