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The National Theater's Rock Orchestra & Wilmer X
Two classic Swedish rock bands on the same stage. The constellation visited Öja, Ystad in 2018 and the response and desire for a repeat has been, and is, enormous.
Wilmer X, who is back after a long time and a new album was released in 2022, Wilmer is one of the country's best live bands. The National Theater's Rock Orchestra: A sold-out concert tour spring- 22. Success at Sweden Rock and a sold-out Liseberg, the pressure for more gigs from the fans was enormous so playing an evening in Ystad together with Wilmer X was not a difficult decision for Dageby & Co
fredag 21 juli
Öja Krog
tel: 0411- 55 50 70
Öja Krog
Sylvans allé 64
null Ystad
Opening hours
At 19.00 - 23.00
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