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Mathilda Björk & Johan Röing – Still life

In the exhibition "Still life" Tjörnedala art gallery shows works by the photographer Mathilda Björk and the sculptor Johan Röing.

"Still life (German stillleben, probably from Dutch stilleven, from style 'still' and leven 'life') is a tradition in art and especially in painting and photography, which contains only objects. In various political and social climates, along with scientific discoveries and existential and metaphysical traditions, it is possible to link different historical aspects to how artists have navigated and used this tradition in art context and how the objects are arranged and produced create both life and underlying meanings.The world of motifs has often belonged to the home: as tableware, dishes and books. It is interesting to mention that archaeologists have recently found a fresco dated to have been painted about 2000 years ago in The ruins of Pompeii depicting a dish, probably a pizza on a large silver plate. This shows the tradition of still life art, which is not only important in art, but also gives an insight into life situations and cultural currents.

In connection with the art gallery, the exhibition "Nefertiti and the archaeologist" with Saga Bitkover-Norman and Karel Becvar is also shown in Tjörnedala's project room.


från fredag 25 augusti
till lördag 16 september



ÖSKG/Tjörnedala art gallery
tel: + 46 (0)414 260 80

ÖSKG / Tjörnedala art gallery
272 94 Base mill

Opening hours

Tue-Sun 12:00-17:00
Thurs-Sun 12:00-16:00

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