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Climate Festival, Folkets Park in Tomelilla

A year ago, the Climate Network in Tomelilla (KNIT) was formed. We are a politically independent network aiming to inform, influence, inspire, and encourage action to reduce climate impact in Tomelilla. Learn more at

Thanks to a grant from Tomelilla Municipality, we will host a Climate Festival on May 18 at Folkets Park. The program is starting to take shape, and everyone is warmly welcome.

We open the doors at 10:00 with music and opening speeches. The times listed below are preliminary and subject to change. Throughout the day, there will be exhibitions, workshops, pony rides, panel discussions, and various lectures. Food and refreshments will be provided by "Tinas lille Danmark" in Tomelilla. We will update with more events and times as we know more.

**11:00** - Free family performance featuring two curious space characters who land on Earth. The show "Planeten" is in collaboration with Tomelilla Riksteaterförening and Lilla vilda teatern in Malmö. The performance lasts 30 minutes and will be held in the Theater Hall.

**13:00** - A climate philosophical discussion with former Archbishop KG Hammar, journalist and author Anita Goldman, and Ylva Lundkvist Fridh, CEO of Mikrofonden Sverige.

**19:00** - Concert with Emil Jensen. The performance will include Anna Dager on cello and Hanna Ekström on violin. Those who have seen Emil captivate his audience over the years know his unique blend of music and poetry, seriousness and comedy, personal and political. Therefore, it is especially exciting that he will conclude the Climate Festival. Note: Tickets for the concert will be sold via Tickster.


fredag 17 maj



Climate Network in Tomelilla,
tel: 0705862532

Tomelilla People's Park
Östergatan 21
27330 Tomelilla

Opening hours

We open the festival at 10:00 and close after the concert.

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