Kalle Moraeus, Bluesinferno & Jojje W
The band Bluesinferno, featuring frontmen Kalle Moraeus and Pelle Holmberg, was formed in 2019 when the two guitarists met during the "Thank you for the music" tour. Before the show, between acts, and after the performance, you could almost always find them talking with a guitar in each of their hands.
The duo decided they should play more together, so Pelle invited Kalle down to Skåne to guest with his band. It turned out that their musical tastes were very similar, so the challenge wouldn’t be finding songs to play. Instead, the challenge would be keeping the songs under 10 minutes, given all the guitar solos that were bound to happen.
Joining the concert will be artist, composer, and music producer Jojje Wadenius!
The evening will feature blues, rock, some jazzy melodies, lots of groove, and a story or two. A magical evening is promised!
Tickets are available at https://online.bookvisit.com/our-extras/list?channelId=709bbf1b-c2be-4ddc-8d35-7055ef75eef1.

tisdag 15 augusti
Örums Nygård Spa & Konferens AB
tel: 0411524080
Epost: info@orumsnygard.se
Svinarojtarens loge på Örums Nygård
Örumsvägen 141
27176 Löderup
Opening hours
Restaurant opens at 5:30 PM
Concert starts at 8 PM