Janne Schaffer - My Music Story
The concert year is off to a flying start and Janne Schaffer is in top form - I'm so happy that I get to come out and meet my audience again!
In the My Music Story concert, the audience can follow along on a journey that spans pretty much the entire modern Swedish music history. It's a breathtaking journey from the pop bands of the 60s, via ABBA and Ted Gärdestad to Björn J:son Lindh and the Electric Banana Band.
Ted Gärdestad and ABBA are particularly interesting this year. Ted's first record Undringar, in which Janne had an important role, came out 50 years ago. Undringar includes the songs 'Jag villl ha en egen måne' and 'So much better'.
On March 29, 50 years ago, Janne was involved in recording ABBA's very first song 'People Need Love'. This spring, ABBA had their big concert in London and on the occasion of that, Janne appeared in the program 'The Missing 40 Years' on British Channel 5 on May 22.

torsdag 22 februari
Ystads Theater AB
tel: 0411-57 77 98
Epost: teatern@ystad.se
Ystad's Theatre
Sjömansgatan 13
271 43 Ystad
Opening hours