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International opera & musical concert

Great international opera & musical concert - From the West End to Berlin

When: Wednesday 12 July
At: 20.00 the concert starts - admission to the concert area - from 17.00
Parkscenen: Skillinge Theatre's large summer & outdoor stage
Tickets: Adult: SEK 395 Youth up to 18 years: SEK 245 Children under 10 go free.
Bar and concert food available on site, cold beer, wine and drinks


Welcome to an evening of opera and musical entertainment. The show From the West End to Berlin takes us into the world of opera and musicals.

7 fantastic soloists from opera houses in New York, London, Malmö, Gothenburg & Stockholm sing together. Ulla Westlund, Åsa Nordgren, Henrik Lagercrantz, Amanda Larsson, Mathias Lissmyr, Kay Julia Standen, Per-Anders Hedlund.

These established artists will sing songs from Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Miserables, West Side Story, Cabaret, Borgy & Bess, Carmen, Showboat & The Magic Flute.

Together they offer a mixed potpourri of scenes and earrings from the world of opera and musicals. As support on stage, we also welcome the choir Melody Singers. Frederic Schöning on piano and Robert Pettersson on double bass.

The singers are now making a common cause and performing a wonderful mix of comedy and seriousness in the midst of summer's greenery.

Come and let yourself taste the opera's healthy smorgasbord of love, humor and evil sudden death!


tisdag 11 juli



Skillinge Theatre
tel: 0761-640864

Skillinge Theatre
Möllevångsgatan 9
27660 Skilling

Opening hours

When: Wednesday 12 July
At: 20.00 the concert starts - admission to the concert area - from 17.00
The park scene: Skillinge Teater's large outdoor stage
Tickets: Adult: SEK 395 Youth 10 to 18 years: SEK 245 Children free

The event has been
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