Celebrate Sweden's National Day in Simrishamn
The national day begins with a national day service in Sankt Nicolai church for those who so wish at 10-10:30 with vicar Mats Hagelin. Vocals by Philip Hartman.
The National Day celebration then takes place in Brunnsparken, starting around 11 and lasts for about an hour.
This year's National Day speech is given by Boel Adler, singer, music journalist and radio producer and owner of Ribbingsbergs Konsert & Galleri.
The speaker is Lotta Hildebrand, chairman of the culture and leisure board. There will be singing by opera singer Philip Hartman and music by Simrishamn's music choir. Simrishamn's Army Lottery Corps organizes a fan borg in front of the stage in Brunnsparken.
During the celebration in Brunnsparken at 11-12, the municipality's culture prize, sports prize and association leader's scholarship will also be awarded by the chairman of the municipal council, Christer Akej, who will also hand out gift flags to those who have been granted a gift flag from the municipality.
Likewise, the fifth grade from Borrby School, who won the "Vi i femmans" national final, will be celebrated on stage.
Warm welcome! Free entrance.

måndag 5 juni
Simrishamn municipality
tel: 0414819000
Epost: kontakt@simrishamn.se
Brunnsparken in Simrishamn
272 31 Simrishamn
Opening hours
Brunnsparken in Simrishamn June 6 at 11-12:20 (approximately).