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A Christmas story

The Santa family makes a mess before Christmas. Christmas presents for all the children have to be made, cleaned, Ouch, Father Santa thinks but Mother Santa says it has to be done.
BUT who is it that comes and messes up the preparations?
What is happening to Santa Father and Mother Santa why are they doing this?
Do TomteNisse and TomteStina have a solution?

With "A Christmas saga with the Santa family" it will be the fourth year that we get to meet the Santa family at Per Hälsa's farm. A fast-paced performance with humor, joy and love.
Come and meet the Santa family at Per Hälsa's farm in December.

The event is aimed at children aged 5-9 and is free.


fredag 22 december



Ystad City Theatre
tel: 0703768687

Per Hälsa's Gård
Visitors alley 3
271 42 Ystad

Opening hours

2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 December at 1 p.m.
About 30 minutes, suitable for all childlike ages.

ATTENTION!!! Free Entrance

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