Among dragons and drag queens: Dracula
"Dracula" is an adaptation of the classic novel of the same name, with the aim of making classic literature available in new ways that make it easier for everyone to understand and immerse themselves in the story. Through interactive exercises, sensory tools and tactile props, the audience gets to "step into" the story. They get to howl like wolves, flap like bats, smell garlic, feel the chill of Dracula's castle, the breeze of a fan, the warmth of a love heart and much more.
Age: 5-12 years incl. adapted for children and young people with intellectual functional variations
Organized with support from the Cultural Council.
Photo: Peter Knutson
torsdag 21 september
Tomelilla library
tel: 0417-181 90
Tomelilla library
Centralgatan 13
273 30 Tomelilla
Opening hours
Friday 22/9 at 10.00-10.30 and at 11.00-11.30