123 Schtunk is not to be missed
Hang in there! Lots of laughter, lots of singing and music and even a bit of dancing!
1 2 3 Schtunk is back in Strindberg-land!
A marriage frozen to the bottom, isolation, lost careers and a breath of fresh air from the outside. Ingredients that give the Schtunkarna the opportunity to take all the turns properly. In the hands of the wayward clowns, Strindberg's perhaps most bitter drama becomes a beautiful, wistful and hopeful performance.
As usual, the whole thing is spiced up with 1 2 3 Schtunk's newly written music and this time a little dancing is also promised! And of course – lots of laughs.

fredag 6 oktober
Ystad's National Theater Association
tel: 0761610727
Epost: ystad@riksteatern.se
Ystad's Teaster
Sjömansgatan 13
27143 Ystad
Opening hours
The performance starts at 19.00
2 hours and 30 minutes including a 20 minute break